

Imperial India Pale Ale 8.2% ABV

Alcibiades is a rotating series of Imperial India Pale Ales. In each variation, we utilize the same malt bill but change the dry hop varieties. We save all of the hopping for the cold side of the brewing process, which results in the largest dry hop of all of our beers to date. This iteration was dry hopped with a substantial amount of Citra® hops from the United States and Riwaka™ hops from New Zealand. Crafted with American malted barley, malted red wheat, flaked white wheat, and our house ale yeast, this ale is complex, juicy, and incredibly drinkable. We taste notes of orange sorbet, gummy bears, mango gelato, and passion fruit. It is named after Alcibiades (450 - 404 BCE), who was an Athenian statesman and general. He was known for his extravagance and debauchery, leading him to be exiled from Athens twice and from Sparta once. In fact, the famous philosopher Socrates attempted to correct Alcibiades' behavior but was unable to do so!



Oak Conditioned Kolsch-style Ale 5.3% ABV

Aurelia began as a normal batch of Balbilla, our flagship German Kölsch-style ale, which was brewed in the late Spring of 2024.After a two-month period of lagering in stainless, we transferred a small portion of Balbilla into freshly emptied Sauvignon Blanc French Oak barrels. After lagering at 2°C for just over two months in our cooler, it was transferred into our brite tank where it was slowly and gently carbonated.Following another few weeks of conditioning in stainless, the ale emerged softer and brighter than its original version.

This kölsch-style ale is named after Aurelia(120 – 54 BCE), who was the mother of Julius Caesar, a general and statesman during the late Roman Republic. Although little is known of her life, ancient historians have stated that she was highly regarded among the people in Rome due to her intelligence, diligence, and beauty. She was also praised for her upbringing of her son, Julius Caesar, by ensuring that he was properly educated as a child and teen.



India Pale Ale 6.5% ABV

Brutus is our flagship India Pale Ale. Crafted with American malted barley, specialty German malts, a touch of flaked oats, and our house ale yeast, it is refreshing, juicy, and soft. Hopped generously with Citra®, Simcoe®, and Mosaic®, we taste notes of orange sorbet, bubblegum, apricot, overripe mango, and candied lemon. It is named after Lucius Junius Brutus (6th century BCE), who was a famous founder of the Roman Republic after the expulsion of the last Roman king, Tarquinius Superbus.

Brutus: DDH & Vanilla

Brutus: DDH & Vanilla

American India Pale Ale 6.5% ABV

Brutus: DDH & Vanilla is a variation of our flagship IPA, Brutus. For this version of Brutus, we double dry hopped (DDH) it with a generous amount of Citra®, Simcoe®, and Mosaic® hops from the United States. We also conditioned it on a copious amount of Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans. Crafted with American malted barley, specialty German malts, a touch of flaked oats, and our house ale yeast, it is refreshing, juicy, and soft. We taste notes of orange creamsicle, mango gelato, mango lassi, and vanilla cream bars. It is named after Lucius Junius Brutus (6th century BCE), who was a famous founder of the Roman Republic after the expulsion of the last Roman king, Tarquinius Superbus.



Imperial IPA 8.6% ABV

Caesar is an American India Pale Ale which incorporates various aspects of some of our core IPAs: the hop bill of Brutus, the malt bill of Alcibiades, and the hopping techniques of Cleopatra. This Imperial IPA received the largest hop charge for any of our beers, being hopped aggressively with three American hops: Simcoe® Cryo, Citra®, and Mosaic®. Crafted with American malted barley, specialty German malts, malted red wheat, flaked white wheat, and our house ale yeast, this ale is juicy, soft, and incredibly complex. We taste notes of mango gelato, blueberry taffy, orange sorbet, and candy peach rings. It is named after Gaius Julius Caesar (100 - 44 BCE), who was a Roman orator, statesman, author, and general. He expanded the territory of the Roman Republic by conquering Gaul (modern-day France and Belgium) and beginning the Roman conquest of Britain. He also started a period of civil wars which ultimately led to the downfall of the Roman Republic and the creation of the Roman Empire. He was named "Dictator for Life", which led to his assassination by political rivals in 44 BCE.



New Zealand IPA, 7.0% ABV

Cleopatra is an India Pale Ale celebrating New Zealand hops. Crafted with American malted barley and white wheat, specialty German malts, and our house ale yeast, it is juicy, delicate, and soft. It was hopped generously with a blend of four New Zealand hops, including Nelson Sauvin™ and Riwaka™. We taste notes of gummy bears, papaya, peach, and pineapple. It is named after Cleopatra (69 – 30 BCE), who was the last queen of Ptolemaic Egypt and only Ptolemaic queen to learn Egyptian. She is also known for her relationships with Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius.



German Marzen-style Lager 6.3% ABV

Crafted with German malted barley, a blend of classic and new German hops, and our house lager yeast blend, Cynisca is complex, soft, and balanced. Double-decocted, naturally carbonated, and lagered for over eight weeks, we taste notes of spice, candied lemon peel, honey, bread crust, and light caramel. It is named after Cynisca (born c. 442 BCE), who was a Spartan princess and was the first woman to enter the Olympic games. She won on two separate occasions for chariot racing (396 and 392 BCE), using horses which she bred and trained!



Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout 16.4% ABV

Elagabalus is one of our Imperial Stouts agedin bourbon barrels. For this inaugural batch of Elagabalus, we selected asingle 10+ year Heaven Hill Barrel, which housed one of our several base stoutrecipes. The base beer, known to us as BS1, rested in oak for just over 16months. This singular barrel stood out among the others during our barrel sensory,demonstrating a harmonious balance between stout, oak, and bourbon. Craftedwith American malted barley, a complex assortment of German and British roastedmalts, heaps of flaked oats, classic American hops, and our ale yeast, thisstout is decadent, silky, and incredibly complex. 

It is named after Elagabalus (204 – 222 CE),who was a member of the Severan dynasty and was known for religious and sexscandals during her reign; she replaced Zeus with Elagabal, who was anArab-Roman sun god, and married four women. She was also one of the firsttransgender people documented in history. We hope you enjoy this stout togetherwith those you love.



Southern German-style Pilsner 5.1% ABV

Hortensia is our Unfiltered Southern German-style Pilsner inspired by our travels in Bavaria, Germany. Crafted with German malted barley, Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops, and our house lager yeast blend, this lager is crisp, refreshing, and complex. Single-decocted, naturally carbonated, and lagered for over eight weeks, we taste notes of lemon peel, spice, honey, and freshly baked bread. It is named after Hortensia (1st century BCE), who was a famous orator during the end of the Roman Republic. She is known for defending women’s rights in front of the senate of Rome.Crafted with German malted barley, classic noble hops, and our house lager yeast blend. Single-decocted and naturally carbonated. Notes of lemon peel, spice, honey, pine, and freshly baked bread. Named after Hortensia (1st century BCE), who was a famous orator during the end of the Roman Republic. She is known for defending women’s rights in front of the senate of Rome.

Nero: Coffee, Cacao Nibs, Vanilla

Nero: Coffee, Cacao Nibs, Vanilla

Imperial Milk Stout 9.1% ABV

Nero is our rotating imperial milk* stout series. For each variation, we utilize the same malt bill but condition the beer on different adjuncts. For this version, we conditioned it on the Hidden Valley Blend of coffee beans roasted by our friends at Zero Prophet Coffee in Washington, CT, Tahitian vanilla beans, and cacao nibs. Crafted with American malted barley, a complex assortment of British and German specialty malts, American hops, and our favorite American ale yeast, this stout is creamy, decadent, and complex. We taste notes of tiramisu, freshly brewed espresso, vanilla latte, milk chocolate cake, and affogato. It is named after Nero (37 - 68 CE), who was a Roman emperor and the last emperor in the Julio-Claudian dynasty established by Augustus. He is known for his debauchery, extravagance, and gluttony. There is a famous story of him playing the lyre while the city of Rome burned! While he is known for these vices, he took care of the people of Rome by building public baths, providing food, and by putting on various entertainment.

Ovidius III: RB

Ovidius III: RB

Fruited Kettle Sour 6.8% ABV

Ovidius is our fruited kettle sour series brewed with a touch of lactose. This iteration was conditioned on massive amounts of raspberry and blackberry puree. Crafted with American malted barley, malted oats, flaked oats, American hops, milk sugar, and our favorite Lactobacillus culture, this sour is creamy, jammy, and tart. We taste notes of raspberry jam, mixed berry smoothie, blackberry crumble, and raspberry gelato. It is named after Ovidius (43 BCE - 17 CE), who was a Roman poet and lived during the reign of Augustus.

Ovidius IV: Blueberry

Ovidius IV: Blueberry

Fruited Kettle Sour 7.3% ABV

Ovidius is our fruited kettle sour series brewed with a touch of lactose. This iteration was conditioned on massive amounts of blueberry puree. Crafted with American malted barley, malted oats, flaked oats, American hops, milk sugar, and our favorite Lactobacillus culture, this sour is soft, jammy, and tart. We taste notes of blueberry jam, fruit roll-ups, blueberry cobbler, and blueberry yogurt. It is named after Ovidius (43 BCE - 17 CE), who was a Roman poet and lived during the reign of Augustus.



German-style Helles 4.5% ABV

Crafted with German pilsner malt, a blend of classic and new German hops, and our house lager yeast blend. Single-decocted and naturally carbonated. Notes of bread, crackers, candied lemon, and melon. Named after Sappho (~615 – 570 BCE), who was one of the most renowned ancient poets. She was even regarded as the tenth muse!



Dusseldorf-style Altbier 5.1% ABV

Crafted with German malted barley, specialty German malt, Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops, and our house kölsch yeast blend. Step-mashed, naturally carbonated, and lagered for six weeks. Notes of honey, spice, candied lemon peel, breadcrust, and caramel. It is named after Vitellius (15 – 69 CE), who was a Roman emperor during the year of the four emperors, which was a period of civil war during the Roman empire. During his short reign, Vitellius was known for his gluttony, and a recipe for stewed peas, known as Vitellian peas, has survived to this day!

On Tap



Wheat Farmhouse Ale, 6.8% ABV

Caligula is one of our Wheat Cerealia™ Ales. Crafted with malted winter white wheat, Cascade hops from Smokedown Farm Hops in Sharon, CT, and our house mixed culture, it is soft, complex, and tart. Triple decocted and naturally carbonated, we taste notes of pear, blackberry, lemon/lime zest, sourdough bread, and cookie dough. It is named after Caligula (12 – 41 CE), who was Rome’s third emperor and known for his reign of tyranny. While hated by the senate, he was loved by the people of Rome due to the many public games he put on.

Seneca the Younger

Seneca the Younger

Wheat Farmhouse Ale 5.7% ABV

Seneca the Younger is one of our Wheat Farmhouse Ales. We crafted it with 75% German malted wheat, 25% German malted barley, a touch of Tahoma hops from Smokedown Farm Hops in Sharon, CT, and our house mixed culture. Following a complex step mash schedule, we fermented and conditioned this ale in one of our American white oak foeders. After many months of conditioning in oak, it was bottled and naturally carbonated within the bottle over the course of several weeks. The beer that emerged is soft, delicate, and complex. We taste notes of candied lemon peel, blood orange, blackberry, and guava. It is named after Seneca the Younger (4 BCE – 65 CE), who was a Stoic philosopher, statesman, and playwright during the Roman Empire. His suicide under the order of Emperor Nero has been held as an example of calm in the face of adversity.

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